I love the Olympics.
Starting from the moment that first torch is lit to the very last moment
of the closing ceremonies, I am enthralled with the incredible games. I think it’s because every athlete,
every medal represents a little bit of each of us, a little bit of the American
dream—the dream that with hard work, dedication, innovation, anything is
But there is something special about seeing our flag raised
and our anthem played that lights a flame inside me. It’s a burning sense of patriotism and national pride.
Woodrow Wilson once said, "The things that the flag
stands for were created by the experiences of a great people. Everything that
it stands for was written by their lives. The flag is the embodiment, not of
sentiment, but of history."
When I see fans waving our flag from the stands, or athletes
wrapped in it running around the field, or even the stars and stripes on
t-shirts and uniforms, I am reminded of what our nation has gone through to
have the freedoms that flag represents, and what our nation now stands for
among the nations of the world.
These Olympians represent the very best athletes in the
world. They inspire us all to not
be satisfied with mediocrity-- to work harder, reach higher, and dream
bigger. In the same way, our
nation does the same. The United
States of America is the greatest nation on earth. And just like those athletes, our greatness can inspire freedom,
democracy, and greatness in others everywhere across the world. That is what the true American dream is
all about.